
Showing posts from February, 2022

Depth of Field

Great Things from my Backpack  The View of One Side of my Laptop Sunset Art Close Up My Darts Toffee Coffee from Java Joes  My Brothers Lego A Side View of Part of the Tree  

The Night Hour

The Night Hour The Moon at the Beach My Dog Jet S'more's in the Making  

Possessions Photo Project

 Possessions Photo Project My  Jewelry would be one of my top possessions because my grandma got it for me. I have a big emotional attachment to them because it was one of the last things i've gotten from her.   My Jordan's are one of my top possessions because of how much I'm obsessed with them. I recently have gotten into shoes and I enjoy wearing them.   My PS5 would be another one of my top possessions because of how much I'm into gaming. I enjoy playing with my friends and creating new bonds. 

Images in Motion

Images in Motion In this picture I was sitting at the back in my sisters car trying to take a nice photo but we hit a bump.  I was sitting in the car trying to take a picture of the sunset in Capitol Hill.  I took pictures of my friends pond that is full of beautiful koi fish.  I was at Micro Beach when I took this photo of the ocean waves.  I took this picture of my dog Lily when she was outside roaming around.   

Beauty of the Marianas

Beauty of the Marianas  

Square Format

I took this photo of the pineapple sitting on my kitchen table. I took this photo of a painting I did when I was bored on a rainy day.  I took this photo right from where I was sitting in my living room.