Iconic Photographer Photo Project

Henri Cartier-Bresson 

Greetings everyone! I chose Henri Cartier-Bresson. His images connected with me because of how much he just took pictures of random things. He had passion for other things, such as drawing and painting. Which I really do admire. One things I like about his style is that he seems to just let loose and go with the flow, that's something that relates to me in a way. Aside from his photo's not having a specific theme of art, it's overall beauty shows. I think his images evoke emotion in a way. I say this because through looking at every detail, he seems to capture the ones that bring emotion from within. 

Examples of Cartier-Bresson's work 

My photos inspired by his style

Image 1. 

I took this photo on my trip to Rota. It features the very two things I enjoy looking at, my soulmate and the beautiful view that mother nature offers this wonderful island. 


Image 2.

I took this image outside of my sister's house. I enjoy exciting things, even if it's as simple as bubbles.

Image 3.

I took this image while waiting for my brothers to finish getting their haircuts. The view from where I was at, was everything and surprisingly that kept me occupied. 

Image 4.

This image was taken while I was leaving Micro Beach here on Saipan. I'm a big ocean lover and the picture just brings joy to my heart. 

Image 5. 

I took this image of a part side of Country House, while waiting for my sister during lunch. 


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