
Showing posts from March, 2022

Portrait Photo Essay

COVID  Life was great before the pandemic hit our small island. Things got worse and really boring. Although, people managed to pull through. It started off really scary as people would say. But now things just seem as if it's not that important anymore.  Covid hit and my whole family was quarantined at Kanoa Resort.  My mom was scared of the virus because it was going around so quickly, so this was the very first event we went to after our quarantine. Which was my sister’s police graduation.  After a few days, my mom became way more lenient. So we went to the beach with my other family members.  We played rugby on the sand and had so much fun.  Then we played rugby on the grass because the space was way much bigger.  We then switched over to baseball, so we could all have an equal amount of fun because it’s been a while.  A few days later and cases were rising, but we made our way to the arcade.  We also went to east bay, but we didn’t jump ...

Portrait Photo Project

 Self-Portrait Photography: Portrait Photography:  Candid Photography: 

Landscape Photo Project

 Urban Landscape  My Grandma’s House  Rented House in Rota Lighthouse  Side Profile of an Unfinished Casino View Point of Rota Traditional Landscape Algebra 2 Notes  Car & Camera  Glass Cups & Water  Micro Beach Tanapag Beach

Still Life Photo Project

 Still Life Photo Project  These are items that I don't use anymore, but I still have them laying around.  Perfume Hat Ps4 Games  Textbooks  Hair cream  Paint Cup & Brushes  Ps4